Monday 10 November 2014

1992 Continue The Revolution (Cantonese Album)

The Revolution Continues 
1992  [繼續革命]

Label: 華納唱片 Warner (HK)

Beyond eight Cantonese album. Contained their all time hits such as  "The Great Wall (Zhang Sang)" etc. The album done in popular rock, notable is "Arrogance / 不可一世 (Mandarin=今天就做 Do It Today)"  which the guitar riff  intro is very memorable. Also "Could We Break Through? 可否冲破" is also rock feel. Eventually the majority of the album is pop-rock.

This is the only album that got all three version, Cantonese, Mandarin and Japanese version. Kitaro is also credit for arranging some of the song. The Mandarin version for this is called “Belief”.

Track List
1. "長城" (The Great Wall) 4:51
2. "農民" (Farmer) 5:17
3. "不可一世" (Arrogance) 4:16  mandarin =今天就做 Do It Today
4. "Bye Bye"   3:19
5. "遙望" (Looking from Afar) 5:20  mandarin =關心永遠在 Care Forever
6. "温暖的家鄉" (The Warm Homeland) 3:11
7. "可否冲破" (Could We Break Through?) 4:45
8. "快樂王國" (The Happy Kingdom) 3:33  mandarin =年輕 Young
9. "繼續沉醉" (Continue to Imbibe) 4:48 mandarin =愛過的罪  Loved Sin
10. "早班火車" (Early Morning Train) 5:50  mandarin =最想念您 Missed You A Lot
11. "厭倦寂寞" (Tired of Loneliness) 4:21
12. "無語問蒼天" (Nothing to Ask Heaven) 4:41 mandarin =問自己 Ask Yourself

Youtube Playlist

Wong Ka Kui - guitars, vocals
Wong Kui Choong - guitars, vocals
Wong Ka Keong - bass, vocals
Yip Sai Yung - drums, vocals

See also its Mandarin version

back to Beyond Discography

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