Tuesday 13 May 2014

1990 Party of Fate 命運派對 (Beyond album)

命運派對 Party of Fate
Ming Wan Paai Deoi
1990 Label: Cinepoly

Beyond has reachs their star dome era, this album catapulted their fame. Glorious Days (Gwong Fai Seoi Jyut  / Guangfei Shui Ye) was inspired by Nelson Mandela. The mandarin version is titled as “Glorious Days”, they shared the same lyric. This song is their strongest song. Other hits are Dependent Hearts (Soeng Ji Dik Sam), People Who Don't Understand Environment (this title hardly can't translate correctly), Victorious Against Personal Demon (Zin Sing Sam Mo). Three of them has a nice guitar chops from Paul Wong. Even the bonus song are familiar, Wen Wu Yingjie Declaration.

Other good songs that rarely heard is Known (Hak Zi Dou), a song with rebellious lyric by Wong Ka Kui. Then Give Face and Satan's Curse.

This album still built up on hard rock feel.

1. 光輝歲月 Gwong Fai Seoi Jyut - Glorious Days
2. 兩顆心 Loeng Fo Sam - Pair of Hearts
3. 俾面派對 Bei Min Paai Deoi - Give Face
4. 無淚的遺憾  Mou Leoi Dik Wai Ham - No Tears Of Regret
       (無線電視劇《 笑傲在明天 》插曲) Radio drama " Windy Tomorrow "episode
5. 懷念您 Waai Nim Nei - Miss You
6. 可知道 Hak Zi Dou - Known
7. 相依的心 Soeng Ji Dik Sam - Dependent Hearts
8. 撒旦的詛咒 Sat Daan Dik Zo Zau - Satan's Curse
9. 送給不知怎去保護環境的人(包括我)Sung Kap Bat Zi Zam Heoi Bou Wu Waan Ging Dik Jan - People Who Don't Understand Environment (Including Me)
10. 戰勝心魔  Zin Sing Sam Mo - Victorious Against Personal Demon 
   (電影《 開心鬼救開心鬼 》主題曲) The Movie " Happy Ghost"
11. 文武英杰宣言 Man Mou Jing Git Syun Jin - Wen Wu Yingjie of the Declaration (Bonus)

Beyond sixth Cantones album - Party of Fate 命運派對

Party of Fate back cover - album by Beyond (超越)
Yip Sai Wing, Wong Ka Kui, Wong Kui Chung, Wong Ka Keong

back to Beyond Discography

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