Wednesday, 7 May 2014

1989 The Real Testament 真的見証 (Beyond Album)

The Real Testament  真的見証
Zan Dik Gin Zing
1989 : Cinepoly

This is their fifth Cantonese album, which is considered their first major breakthrough. The song Silent Years (Shuiye Wushen) is their number one hit nation wide. The song remained the same in Mandarin version. The other hits songs are Interweave One Thousand Heart (Gaau Zik Cin Go Sam)  and Midnight Blues. This is the album where Beyond's best keep secret song existed, Dawn of the New World (Jung Cong San Sai Gaai), in which the song is their heaviest, double pedal, galloping riffs and shredding neo classical licks, just like Yngwie Malmsteen style. The other potential songs that quickly familiar to ears are Tomorrow's World (Ming Jat Sai Gaii), and Who is Brave ? (Seoi Si Jung Gam) .

Track List
1.     歲月無聲 ( Seoi Jyut Mou Sing) - Silent Years
2.     明日世界 (Ming Jat Sai Gaai) - Tomorrow's World
3.     交織千個心 (Gaau Zik Cin Go Sam) - Interweave One Thousand Heart
4.     誰是勇敢 (Seoi Si Jung Gam) - Who is Brave
5.     勇闖新世界 (Jung Cong San Sai Gaai) - Dawn of the New World
6.     又是黃昏 (Jau Si Wong Fan) - And Dusk Yet Again....
7.     無悔這一生  (Mou Fui  Ze Jat Sang) - Regrets In This Life
8.     午夜怨曲 (Ng Je Jyun Kuk) - Midnight Blues
9.     千金一刻 (Cin Gam Jat Hak) - Preciously Moments
10.   無名的歌 (Mou Meng Dik Go) - Untitled Song

back to Beyond Discography


  1. Hi,
    is the song 勇闖新世界 on this album a LIVE version?

    They didn't record a STUDIO version?

    Thank you!

  2. Thesong which contains the album is already the studio version,the fans applause only sound effect
